
Bean Curd and Fruit Cocktail

Bean Curd and Fruit Cocktail

Thai food dessert - this one is really delicious and yet simple to prepare. It is a staple dessert in Thailand, it is available at all the Thai-food open markets! Enjoy….
Tao Huay Fruit Salad (Bean Curd and Fruit Cocktail)

1 tbsp. gelatin

1/2 cup condensed milk or soy milk
1 cup water1 tbsp. vanilla flavour
(you may use almond, strawberry, jasmine or any flavour you like)
3 tbsp. sugar

1. Mix gelatin with water and boil it.
2. When it’s boiling, add sugar and then mix well.
3. Add milk then stir for 5 seconds. Turn off the fire.
4. Put vanilla flavour. Mix well then pour it into a cute cup.
5. Leave it cool in refrigerator about 20 minutes. Serve with fruit cocktail on the top.


Kao Niao Mamuang (Steamed Sticky Rice with Ripe Mangoes)

Kao Niao Mamuang (Steamed Sticky Rice with Ripe Mangoes)

8 oz. uncooked sticky rice

1/2 coconut cream
6 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 fragrant screw pine leaves
1 tbsp. crunchy soybean

Cooking Instruction:
1. Put salt and sugar in coconut cream and mix it together.Boil the coconut for 3-5 minutes on the low heat. Stir it often. At the last 1 minute put fragrant screw pine leaves.
2. Pour coconut mixed in a bowl.
3. Now, wash the uncooked sticky rice and drain 2 times. Steep the rice in water at least 3 hours.
4. Then steam for 20 minutes.
5. After the rice is done, immediately put the rice in coconut bowl. It’s important to do this when the sticky rice is still hot.
6. Put a cover over the bowl. Wait 10 minutes. Then, stir it again, this time turn the bottom part to the top.
7. Serve with rips mangoes and top with cooked crunchy soybean. Then dress with thick coconut milk.

This coconut milk sticky rice can stay outside for 20-22 hours. Longer than that, you should keep it in the refrigerator. I was supposed to put coconut milk on the top but I forgot it. Before I realized it, Kao Niao Mamuang was gone into my husband’s stomach!


Kanom Fuhk Thong (Pumpkin Cake)

Kanom Fuhk Thong (Pumpkin Cake)

1 cup rice flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1 cup smash pumpkin
1/2 cup coconut cream
1 cup sugar
1 cup old coconut (scraped)
1 tbsp. baking powder

Cooking Instruction:
1. Mix rice flour, tapioca flour and sugar together. Add baking soda and baking powder. Sieve twice.
2. Put smash pumpkin. Then add coconut cream gradually. Mix well.
3. Put the mixed in a cup (made from banana leaves or a small cup)
4. Now, steam for 20 minutes.
5. When it’s done, cool it off. Take out of the cup and put it on a plate. Top with scrapped coconut.

I had the pumpkin left from cooking pumpkin stir-fry the other day and didn’t want to throw it away. So, I called my mom about how to make the pumpkin cake that she made when I was young. This pumpkin cake is very easy right?
Next time, I will make pumpkin recipe again but we have to wait until I can find the small size of it. If you decide to try this recipe for your young children, please show me the photo of this food. I’d like to see it!


Gluay Buad Chee (Banana Dessert)

Gluay Buad Chee (Banana Dessert)

10 Pisang Awak banana (half ripe)
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 thickest coconut cream
3 cup coconut milk

Cooking Instructions:
1. Peel and cut the bananas into 4 pieces.
2. Put coconut milk in a pot. Wait until it’s boiling, then add babana pieces. Cook for 7 minutes.
3. Now, add sugar and salt. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
4. After that, add thick coconut cream. Turn off the fire.
5. You can serve it hot or cold as you like. We store it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to make it cold.

Gluay Buad Chee or Banana Dessert, which means whole bananas boiled in coconut cream, is my favorite dessert since I was young. I like the banana not too soft so when I cook it I usually use bananas that only turn ripe for about 10%. However, to use 70-80% ripe banana will give you a naturally sweetness from itself and 90% ripe will make the food too soft.

We can also apply this menu with pumpkin and taro.


Kha-nom Mo Gaeng (Egg Custard Pudding)

Kha-nom Mo Gaeng (Egg Custard Pudding)

It’s on the left side.

2 cups coconut cream
6 duck’s eggs
1 tbsp. wheat flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 and 1/4 cup palm sugar
1 cup fried onion (slice onion thinly and fried until it turn brown)

Cooking Instructions:
1. Well mix the coconut cream, palm sugar and wheat flour.
2. In a different bowl, beat duck’s eggs and then add salt.
3. Mix number 1 and 2 altogether in a pot. Then, cook it with medium heat for 5 minutes.
4. Next, move it from the pot into a bowl.
5. Put the bowl in cooking oven with 350F for 35 minutes or until the surface turn to brown.
6. Top with fried onion.

Kha-nom Mo Gaeng is one of our famous Thai dessert. Maybe you have a question why Thai people choose palm sugar for all kind of food, especially when we cook Thai dessert. Palm sugar has a nice color and odor, and of course its unique taste with high cholesterol. No wonder I am getting fat!!


Kha-nom Mo Gaeng (Egg Custard Pudding)

Kha-nom Mo Gaeng (Egg Custard Pudding)

It’s on the left side.
Prepare:2 cups coconut cream
6 duck’s eggs
1 tbsp. wheat flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 and 1/4 cup palm sugar
1 cup fried onion (slice onion thinly and fried until it turn brown)

Cooking Instructions:
1. Well mix the coconut cream, palm sugar and wheat flour.
2. In a different bowl, beat duck’s eggs and then add salt.
3. Mix number 1 and 2 altogether in a pot. Then, cook it with medium heat

for 5 minutes.
4. Next, move it from the pot into a bowl.
5. Put the bowl in cooking oven with 350F for 35 minutes or until the

surface turn to brown.
6. Top with fried onion.

Kha-nom Mo Gaeng is one of our famous Thai dessert. Maybe you have a question why Thai people choose palm sugar for all kind of food, especially when we cook Thai dessert. Palm sugar has a nice color and odor, and of course its unique taste with high cholesterol. No wonder I am getting fat!!


Woon Maprao On (Young Coconut in Jelly)

Woon Maprao On(Young Coconut in Jelly)

2 tbsp. gelatine

5 cups water
1 and 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup young coconut
1 cup coconut juice

Cooking Instructions:
1. Dissolve gelatine with water. Boil it for 20 minutes.
2. Add sugar and wait until it’s dissolved. Then, pour it over the filter cloth.
3. Simmer it for 5 minutes.
4. Add young coconut and coconut juice.
5. Pour it in a block or back into the shell (cut the shell like in the photo). Then, leave in refrigerator until it gets solid.

Today is the first day we start Song Kran Festival in Thailand, the festival that we splash water to refresh each other from the hot sunshine. After we enjoyed the festival, I think about food.

Believe it or not, we spent all day (8hours) splashing water. Activities concerns with water really make us hungry and there is nothing that is better refreshing our stomach than cool Woon Maprao On or Young Coconut in Jelly. So, when we got home, I ran toward the kitchen.

Tag : joysthaifood.com


Maprao Gaew (Shredded and Dried Coconut Glazed with Sugar)

Maprao Gaew (Shredded and Dried Coconut Glazed with Sugar)

3 cup overripe coconut
3 cup coconut palm sugar

Cooking Instructions:
1. Scrape the coconut. Make it long with about 1cm. wide.
2. Simmer the coconut palm sugar until it’s dissolved.
3. When it’s boiling, add scraped coconut. Mix well.
4. When it’s getting to dry. Remove it to a tray.
5. Use fork to roll it as big as one bite. Leave it until the sugar is dry and stick to the coconut. Do the same thing with the rest.

If the coconut doesn’t get solid later, that means you took too short time on simmering.


Pumpkin Dessert, in Thai, Bua Loy Fuhk thong

Pumpkin Dessert, in Thai, Bua Loy Fuhk thong

1 cup mashed pumpkin

1 cup tapioca
1 / 4 cup palm sugar
1 / 2 cup sugar
1 cup coconut thick cream
4 cups diluted coconut milk
1 tsp. salt

Cooking Instructions:
1. Knead tapioca and mashed pumpkin until it mixed well.
2. Make up small balls. Throw it in boiling water. Remove when the balls
come up to the surface.
3. Boil the thick coconut cream on low heat. When it’s boiling, remove the pot from the stove.
4. Next, boil diluted coconut milk. Add sugar, palm sugar and salt. Keep stirring. Don’t let it stick together.
5. Add the balls that we cooked from number 2. When the pot is boiling again, remove it from the stove.

When you serve it in a small cup, dress with thick coconut cream. If you like it cold, you can add crushed ice. This recipe is for 5 servings.

When I was young, my family loved to make funny shape of Bua Loy Fuhkthong. Ask your kids to help. It must be fun.


Khanom Keng Sai Kem

Khanom Keng Sai Kem

2 cup sticky rice flour
1 and 2/3 cup sugar
3 cup water

1 cup mashed mung bean (genus Phaseoias)
1/3 cup minced pork
2 tbsp. minced coriander roots
1 tbsp. pepper
1 and 1/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp. salt
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 cup vegetable oil to spread on banana leaves

Cooking Instructions:
1. Soak mung bean in the water for 30 minutes.
2. Place a white cloth filter in the steam pot. Put soaked mung bean on it
and steam the mung bean for 20 minutes.
3. Ground the bean finely.
4. Ground coriander roots and pepper altogether.
5. Add vegetable oil in the pan and stir-fry the mixed in number 4 until it
smells aromatic.
6. Next, add pork and cook for 10 minutes. Then, add grounded mung bean,
sugar and salt. Mix well.
7. Mold it to 1 inch ball.
8. In a bowl mix the flour with sugar. Add water little by little as you knead it.
9. Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Then, mold it into 1 inch flat round shape,
put stuff in the middle and mold it to a round ball.
10. Make a cup from banana leave. Dress vegetable oil all over the cup.
Then, place a ball inside it.
11. Steam for 45 minutes and remove from the stove.
We have two kinds of Khanom Keng. One with stuffing, we call it Sai Kem (salted stuffing) and another without stuffing. If you don’t like the stuffing, you can jump to number 8, 10 and
12. Skip all the stuffing instructions.

I like salted stuffing better. It made the sticky texture taste better with salty mung bean. In the early morning when I was at home, my mom usually woke me up to go offer this dessert to the monks. We prepare about 9 pieces every time. If that day 5 monks came, the rest of them would go into my stomach.

Here is what my mom always told me to do when we offer food to the monks:
1. I shouldn’t have a messy face in the morning and dress properly. It would cause an ugly face in the next life. Since I was never ready when they went out to offer food, this rule is only for me I guess.
2. Take off your shoes and sit down before you offer the food.
3. Move the food to your forehead and make a wish. (Usually, we asked for forgiveness from people if our bad actions ever caused them suffers and we prayed that the food would go to our pass away grandparents through the monks.)
4. Don’t let any part of your hand touch their bowl when you drop the food into it. Girls can’t touch their clothes.
5. When you finish, sit down still and wait for blessing.


Fruity Mung Bean Dessert in Thai, Luuk Chuup

Fruity Mung Bean Dessert in Thai, Luuk Chuup

1 cup mung bean (500g)
2 and 1/2 cup sugar
1 and 1/2 cup thick coconut milk

2 tbsp. gelatin powder
2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar
Food coloring

Cooking Instructions:
1. Leave mung bean in the water for 3 hours. Then, steam for 20 minutes.
2. Ground the mung bean very well. Mix it well with sugar and coconut milk

in the pot.
3. Put the pot on the stove and heat it will medium heat. Stir until the mix gets dry. Make sure you can mold it.
4. Leave it cool.
5. Now, it’s a fun part and you need your artistic heart. Mold it into a fruit shape, cherry, mango, red chili pepper, banana, orange, watermelon for example.
6. Use food coloring to color them. Make it as real as possible. Put a stick to the fruit shape and put it on a piece of Styrofoam. Then, leave it dry.
7. Next, dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add 1/4 cup sugar. Wait until it is boiling, dip the fruit shape into it and leave it dry on the Styrofoam again.
8. Dip the fruits again for 3 times. Then decorate it with leaves to make it look real.

This is another fun Thai dessert recipes I love to make. It takes time to get the shapes and colors perfect. However, it is a fun activity to try. When I first present this food to my husband, he scared that I would give him a fake food, as it looks really like a toy or something you made as souvenir more than something to eat.


Khanom Gleep Dok Lumduan (Lumduan Petal Cookies)

Khanom Gleep Dok Lumduan (Lumduan Petal Cookies)

5 cup wheat flour (sifted)
2 and 1/2 cup icing
1 and 1/4 cup vegetable oilCandles

Cooking Instructions:
1. Sift the flour and mix it with icing.
2. Slowly add vegetable oil. Knead it very well. Make a ball about 1 inch big.
3. Use knife cut it into four pieces. Arrange them as three petals and put a small ball in the middle as the inside of flowers.
4. Put it on a tray, which was dressed with vegetable oil.
5. Bake it with 180C for 15-20 minutes.
6. After that leave it cool outside and remove it from the tray.
7. Fumigate it with smoke from candles.

To fumigate a container with smoke from candles, we arrange the desserts in a big flat container for 2 levels. Don’t forget to leave the space for the candles. Put candles on small porcelains and place it on an available space. Now, light the candles and leave it burn for a while. When you are ready, you can blow the candle. This way will make more smoke. Next, immediately seal the container. Keep it closed for 30 minutes then remove the candle. If it doesn’t have a smell yet, you can try it for 2 or 3 more times. On the other hand, you can leave the candle burn in a closed container. Leave it for 30 minutes. The candles will go out itself without oxygen.


Kao Niao Sung Khaya (Sticky Rice and Egg Custard)

Kao Niao Sung Khaya (Sticky Rice and Egg Custard)

1 and 1/2 cup sticky rice

1 cup coconut milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt

3 eggs1 cup coconut milk
1 cup sugar
1/8 cup concentrated pandanus juice

Cooking Instructions:
1. Soak sticky rice in the water for 3 hours. After that, drain it and steam on boiling water for 20 minutes.
2. While we’re waiting for the rice to be cooked, prepare coconut milk to mix
with it.
3. Add sugar and salt into the coconut milk cook until it’s boiling.
4. Remove when the sugar is dissolved. Pour it over cooked sticky rice.
Make sure the rice is still hot when you pour coconut milk.
5. Now, mix it very well and keep it in closed container for 10 minutes. After that, stir it again and leave it close for another 10 minutes
6. Beat the eggs very well. Add concentrated pandanus juice, coconut milk and sugar. Mix it very well.
7. Steam the mixed eggs for 20 minutes
8. Prepare cut banana leaves (5×10inches). Place sticky rice and eggs on it. Then, wrap it as in the photo.

Now you have an easy and very delicious Thai dessert to serve.

Tag : joysthaifood.com


Sugar Palm Cake, in Thai, Khanom Taan

Sugar Palm Cake, in Thai, Khanom Taan

4 and 1/2 cup rice flour

1 cup ripe sugar palm fruit (squeeze the meat)
4 and 1/2 cup coconut milk
3 cup sugar
3 cup scraped coconut (overripe)
1 tsp. salt

Cooking Instructions:
1. Crush the sugar palm fruit with water in a bowl. Put all of juice in a filter cloth bag and squeeze. Leave it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
2. Boil coconut milk with sugar. When it’s boiling, turn off the fire and leave it cool off.
3. In a big bowl, mix sugar palm meat from step1 with rice flour and coconut milk from step 2
4. Knead well. Make sure it is really soft. Leave it outside for 4 hours. Put wet white cloth over top.
5. Cut banana leave and make a small cup from it. Pour the mix in banana cups or ceramic cups if you can’t make one.
6. Mix scraped coconut with salt and dress it over top the cake.
7. Steam on boiling water for 15 minutes.

When the dough is ready, you will see bubbles on it. Make sure you don’t leave the dough outside too long because it will be sour after you cook. Add 1 and 1/2 tbsp. baking powder to safe time and make it fluffy, with this amount you can make 130 small cups of sugar palm cake.

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Stuffed Dough Pyramid Dessert in Thai, Kanom Tian

Stuffed Dough Pyramid Dessert in Thai, Kanom Tian

1 kilogram sticky rice flour

3 cups water
8oo gram palm sugar

1/3 cup minced pork
1/2 cup mung bean
2 tbsp. minced coriander roots
1 tbsp. pepper
1 and 1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup minced onion
1 and 1/2 tbsp. salt
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 cup vegetable oil to spread on banana leaves

Cooking Instructions:
1. Soak mung bean in the water for 30 minutes.
2. Place a white cloth filter in the steam pot. Steam the mung bean
for 20 minutes.
3. Ground the bean finely.
4. Ground coriander roots and pepper altogether.
5. Add vegetable oil in the pan and stir-fry the mixed in number 4 until it
smells aromatic.
6. Next, add pork and cook for 10 minutes. Then, add grounded mung bean, sugar, salt, and onion. Mix well.
7. Mold it to 1 inch ball.
8. In a pot dissolve the palm sugar with low heat on the stove. After that, leave it cool off and then add sticky rice flour. Knead it until it’s all mixed very well.
9. Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Then, mold it into 1 inch flat round shape,
put stuff in the middle and mold it to a round ball.
10. Cut banana leave in 5×7 inches. Spread vegetable oil all over the leaves.
Fold banana leave into a cone.
11. Place the ball in side and wrap it. Steam for 45 minutes and remove from
the stove.

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Khanom Gluay ( Steamed Banana)

Kanom Gluay (Steamed Banana)

2 cups rice flour
1 and 1/2 cup tapioca flour
1 cup scraped young coconut
2 and 1/2 cup coconut milk
2 cups mashed apple banana (1kilogram)
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. salt

3 cups scraped old coconut
1 tsp. saltBanana leaves

Cooking Instructions:
1. Mix the two kinds of flour altogether. Gradually add coconut milk and sugar while you knead it.
2. Then, add 2 tsp. of salt and mashed apple banana. Knead it very well.
3. Prepare topping by mixing scraped old coconut with 1 tsp. salt.
4. Cut banana leaves in oval shape 7×21cm. and 6×8cm.
5. Place the smaller on top. Put the mix in the middle of the leaves follow by scraped old coconut.
6. Wrap it nicely and attach it with toothpick.
7. Steam it in boiling water and use maximum heat for 15 minutes.

If you don’t like to wrap it with banana leaves, you can pour the mix in a metal tray and steam it for 15 minutes.

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Durian Guan (Durian Jam)

Durian Guan (Durian Jam)

1/2 kg. Ripe durian (pick the one that is very ripe)
8 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt

Cooking Instructions:
1. Mix durian and sugar into the pan. Use low heat and stir until it gets thick.
2. Notice when you stick your finger on it, it won’t get on your finger.
The durian meat which is too ripe will have some juice that will help the jam
not to get burn on the stove. Anyway, keep stirring and always use low heat.
Hard work, you will get a big arm muscle as a benefit. :p
3. When it is ready. Leave it cool off and pack in a container.
I don’t know what to call this call of dessert as the way we cook is like western food called Jam but actually, Durian Guan is much more sticky and dry.
It is how we preserve the durian that was too ripe and can not be sold.
With this way we can keep it in the fridge for a long time, as for our next enjoyment.

Tag : joysthaifood.com