Bean Curd and Fruit Cocktail
Thai food dessert - this one is really delicious and yet simple to prepare. It is a staple dessert in Thailand, it is available at all the Thai-food open markets! Enjoy….
Tao Huay Fruit Salad (Bean Curd and Fruit Cocktail)
1 tbsp. gelatin
1/2 cup condensed milk or soy milk
1 cup water1 tbsp. vanilla flavour
(you may use almond, strawberry, jasmine or any flavour you like)
3 tbsp. sugar
1. Mix gelatin with water and boil it.
2. When it’s boiling, add sugar and then mix well.
3. Add milk then stir for 5 seconds. Turn off the fire.
4. Put vanilla flavour. Mix well then pour it into a cute cup.
5. Leave it cool in refrigerator about 20 minutes. Serve with fruit cocktail on the top.